Step-by-step to success

Preparation Exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Pull along the edge

In the deep pool, the child pulls themselves along the edge, alternating hands, for about ten meters. Afterward, they try to climb out of the pool on their own, with parental support if needed. The tuck jump exercise is necessary in deep water to avoid injuries. However, many children are afraid of the deep water. Pulling along the edge helps them become familiar with the deep water and makes it easier for them to later attempt the jump. If your child is afraid of the deep water, start with a regular jump before progressing to the tuck jump.

Jumping together is more fun

If your child is hesitant to jump into the water, it might help to swim with other children of the same age, such as siblings or friends. Group dynamics can encourage your child to take the leap as well. Make sure that most of the children are willing to jump, as this can reduce your child's fear.

Courage test over mat

Place a swim mat at the edge of the pool and hold it securely. The child should cross the mat in different ways. Shy children might start on all fours and become braver with repeated attempts. Ensure there are no other children or hard objects nearby. The goal is to reduce fear of the water, with the exercise being adaptable to each child's comfort level.

Sitting from pool edge

The child sits on the pool edge, and you stand about one and a half meters away with your arms outstretched. The child then lets themselves fall into the water toward you. Once the child is in the water, catch them with both arms. We recommend not catching the child directly as the momentum could lead to injuries. This exercise is very similar to the core exercise but requires less courage. Ensure there is a sufficiently large distance between you and the child.

Step-by-step to success

Common Mistakes

Keine häufigen Fehler.

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