Step-by-step to success

Preparation Exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Jumping jack diving

The child starts at the edge of the pool with ten jumping jacks, then jumps headfirst into the water and tries to dive as far as possible. Diving rings can also be collected as motivation. In the last part of the water safety check, the child has to dive after swimming 50 meters when the pulse is already elevated. This exercise is used to train diving with an elevated heart rate.

Practicing turns on the water surface

The child approaches the edge of the pool with alternating legs and arms at the sides. After reaching the edge of the pool, the child turns as quickly as possible and pushes off again. Although there are different types of wall turns, such as the roll and tilt turn, these are taught in later courses. For the time being, this exercise is only about the introduction and the type of turn is not yet decisive. However, a strong push-off is recommended.

Holding breath

Use a pool noodle or a kickboard on the water. The child holds onto it with one hand and participates in a "diving competition." At your signal, the child submerges until you remove the pool noodle. Start with two seconds and gradually increase the time. This fun exercise encourages small successes and improves the child's ability to stay underwater longer—an important skill for the core exercise "airplane," where holding their breath for at least five seconds is required.

Step-by-step to success

Common Mistakes

Turned too early

Some children struggle to accurately judge distances underwater, whether they are wearing goggles or not. This often causes them to turn too early, preventing them from effectively pushing off the wall. To address this, children are encouraged to touch the pool wall with their hands first before initiating the turn.

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