In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.
Verwenden Sie für diese Übung Matten und Schwimmnudeln. Ihr Kind legt sich auf die Matte, wobei Hüfte (oder Po) nach oben und das Kinn nach hinten zeigen sollte. Wenn kaum noch Gewicht auf den unteren Rücken drückt, ziehen Sie die Matte langsam weg. Alternativ können Sie eine Schwimmnudel verwenden. Halten Sie diese hinter dem Rücken unter den Achseln. Das Kind streckt die Arme seitlich aus und versucht, die Hüfte hochzudrücken. Die Schwimmnudel bietet Stabilität im Wasser, unterstützt jedoch vor allem den oberen Rücken und die Schultern, was das Anheben der Hüfte etwas anspruchsvoller macht.
Assist your child with this exercise, which focuses on finding balance in the back float position. Support them with both hands, one on the upper back and one on the lower back. Gradually reduce your assistance until you are no longer helping at all. Initially, your child may place significant weight on the assisting hand at the lower back. The main goal is to reduce this pressure until it disappears completely. Instruct your child to tilt their chin back and, if necessary, gently guide it with your hand. The position of the chin and lifting the hips are interconnected. Start by correcting the chin position, then instruct your child to push their hips upward.
Perform this exercise together with your child either on land or in shallow water. Stand upright with your legs closed and arms by your sides. Raise your arms sideways to form a T-shape, then push your hips forward slightly exaggerated. Tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling or sky. Hold this position for at least five seconds, and have your child follow you step by step. This exercise allows the training of the future horizontal position starting from a vertical posture. Emphasize the forward-pressed hips and the tilted-back chin, as these two components are crucial for the following core exercise.
This exercise focuses on practicing correct posture while standing. It works best through demonstration. First, stand straight, then move your legs shoulder-width apart. Finally, raise your arms. The child should imitate each step. Hold your breath visibly for five seconds. This exercise may seem very simple, but it helps your child understand correct posture better. For children, it’s easier to copy upright posture when they see it demonstrated.
The unfamiliar back-floating position in the water often causes children to curl up and try to sit upright. They tend to slowly lean backward, ready to stop the exercise if necessary and avoid getting water in their nose. However, this makes the exercise more challenging, as the chin and hips need to stay down. Building trust in their own buoyancy is crucial, and previous exercises play a key role in strengthening this confidence.