Step-by-step to success

Preparation Exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Holding ring lower and lower

Use a gymnastics hoop for this exercise. Start by holding it at the water's surface so the child can glide through it. Gradually lower the hoop, encouraging the child to glide through it like a "submarine" along the pool's bottom. This exercise increases the difficulty as the child learns to push off at the lowest point of the pool and maintain that depth. Proper body posture influences the swimming direction, and the variation in diving depths makes the exercise more effective.

Touch the bottom

Do this exercise with your child in a shallow children’s pool, about hip- to chest-deep. Begin by having them stretch both arms upward. The goal is to touch the pool bottom with a different body part each time. Announce each step, count to three, and perform it: right hand, left hand, both hands, backside, and as a challenge, the nose. Warn your child about touching their nose to avoid injury. This exercise teaches proper behavior to reach a specific depth in the water. Many children find it challenging to submerge their entire body, and the gradual difficulty provides both success experiences and a rewarding challenge.

Holding breath

Use a pool noodle or a kickboard on the water. The child holds onto it with one hand and participates in a "diving competition." At your signal, the child submerges until you remove the pool noodle. Start with two seconds and gradually increase the time. This fun exercise encourages small successes and improves the child's ability to stay underwater longer—an important skill for the core exercise "airplane," where holding their breath for at least five seconds is required.

Step-by-step to success

Common Mistakes

Raised head and unextended arms

As previously mentioned, this exercise focuses on learning body control underwater. For this to work, the entire body must be fully stretched and aligned like an arrow. Many children tend to lift their head or bend their elbows, which significantly increases water resistance and makes the exercise impossible. If this issue arises, revisit the "water arrow" exercise and practice it with a completely stretched body to reinforce proper technique.

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