from 4 years

Cannonball jump

The child jumps into the water from the pool edge. During the jump, the knees are drawn up and held tightly with both arms. The chin is lowered, causing the entire body to curl up. This position is maintained even after entering the water until the child is brought back to the surface. The exercise takes place in a deep-water pool, and the child's safety must be ensured at all times. This exercise primarily trains the two core elements: water acclimation and floating.
Step-by-step to success

Preparation Exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Washing machine

If your child has mastered the tuck position in the water from a standing position, you can gently spin them around using both hands—but please, without overdoing it. This exercise encourages a temporary loss of orientation in the water and helps train the ability to regain alignment. The ability to orient oneself after a brief loss of orientation is a critical safety skill in the water. Through such exercises, the child becomes accustomed to temporary disorientation and is less likely to panic in real-life situations.

Cannonball underwater

Üben Sie die zusammengerollte Stellung zuerst außerhalb des Wassers mit Ihrem Kind. Sobald sie beherrscht wird geht es im Wasser weiter. Versuchen Sie es zuerst noch ohne Sprung. Das Kind soll sich mit den Füssen vom Boden lösen und aus dem Stehen in die Pakethaltung gehen und so möglichst lange im Wasser Schweben. Diese Übung funktioniert auch im Kinderbecken, da die Übung ohne Sprung durchgeführt wird ist das Verletzungsrisiko einiges tiefer. Das Wasser sollte für das Kind allerdings mindestens brusttiefe sein. Ansonsten mach die Übung nicht viel Sinn.

Pull along the edge

In the deep pool, the child pulls themselves along the edge, alternating hands, for about ten meters. Afterward, they try to climb out of the pool on their own, with parental support if needed. The tuck jump exercise is necessary in deep water to avoid injuries. However, many children are afraid of the deep water. Pulling along the edge helps them become familiar with the deep water and makes it easier for them to later attempt the jump. If your child is afraid of the deep water, start with a regular jump before progressing to the tuck jump.

Step-by-step to success

Common Mistakes

Opening too early

If your child has mastered the tucked position in the water while standing, you can gently spin them around with both hands—but without overdoing it. This exercise encourages a temporary loss of orientation in the water and helps train the ability to regain alignment. The skill to reorient oneself after brief disorientation is a critical safety competency in the water. Exercises like these help the child become accustomed to temporary disorientation, reducing the likelihood of panic in real-life situations.

More Exercises