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Preparation Exercises

In addition to the preparatory exercises, some core exercises are required.

Breaststroke kick with both legs

The child pushes off from the pool wall and swims vertically in the water. They then begin performing a breaststroke-like kick with both legs, which resembles a simplified breaststroke kick where the knees are never fully drawn in. This preparatory exercise introduces a familiar element (the breaststroke kick) in a new form (vertical position). Since the breaststroke kick is the closest to treading water among all previously learned kicks, it is particularly effective for quickly introducing the concept of treading water.

Hands out of the water

The child pushes off from the pool wall and treads water for ten seconds, as in the core exercise. Then, the child attempts to lift their arms out of the water, aiming to keep both elbows above the surface for at least five seconds. This exercise can also be performed as interval training, alternating 10 seconds of regular treading water with 3 seconds of raised arms. This exercise focuses on building leg strength. Some children may manage to keep their head above water without vigorous treading and might not take the core exercise seriously. By adding this challenge, even these children can develop the fundamental skills of treading water.

Circle with one leg only

For this exercise, use a pool noodle placed behind the back and held under the armpits. The child should then move one leg in a clockwise circular motion. Repeat the exercise with both legs, first clockwise and then counterclockwise for each leg. Afterward, the entire exercise can be attempted with both legs, with the legs moving asynchronously in opposite directions. The pool noodle provides additional buoyancy, allowing the swimmer to fully focus on the leg movements.

Sitting on a board and paddling

The child sits on a kickboard and tries to move forward in a seated position using both arms, often with circular movements. This exercise may be slightly easier for heavier children, as the kickboard provides additional buoyancy, while lighter children need to exert more balance. This exercise also serves as a water-awareness exercise.

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