5 to 7 years
Learn How to Swim
First water experiences and basic water familiarity are assumed.
Advanced acclimation and confident interaction with the element of water.
Exercise series for learning the freestyle stroke - fastest of all swimming styles.
Exercise series for learning the breaststroke technique.
Exercise series for learning backstroke. This style is learned first.
Jumping, diving, games, and all other water fun.
Which swimming style is learned first?
Swimming on the back is the first style taught in virtually all swimming instruction systems. Backstroke is more intuitive for many children, and it allows them to breathe freely, eliminating one of the most challenging aspects of the breaststroke and freestyle techniques.
My child is always cold - what can I do?
The water in most indoor pools ranges between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius, while water in outdoor pools, lakes, or the sea can be significantly colder. This can be challenging for many children, especially when wind is a factor. A simple solution is to use special wetsuits for children. You can find some examples in our article.
My child has no prior experience with water.
In most countries, swimming lessons typically begin at the age of 4. If your child is 5, 6, or 7 and is only now starting swimming lessons, that’s no problem. In fact, it’s often beneficial to start a bit later. However, before attempting the exercises for 5- to 7-year-olds, your child should first master the exercises designed for 4-year-olds.
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