8 & 9 years
Learning to swim
Basic swimming skills are required.
Exercises for improving the freestyle technique.
Exercise series for learning and improving backstroke.
Exercise series for learning the butterfly stroke technique.
Jumping, diving, games, and all other water fun.
My child has not yet mastered the basics.
That's absolutely no problem at all. In this case, we recommend starting with the exercises for 5 to 7-year-olds. If your child has no water experience at all, feel free to check out the exercises designed for 4-year-olds.
My child is always cold. What can I do?
The water in most indoor pools ranges between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius, while water in outdoor pools, lakes, or the sea can be significantly colder. This can be challenging for many children, especially when wind is added to the mix. A simple solution is using special wetsuits for kids. You can find some examples in our article.
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